‘Educate, Empower, Excel’ day at LBTS

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14th Dec 2023


Last academic year, a school-wide survey uncovered that some students were experiencing discrimination from a small minority. While most institutions would shy away from such knowledge, we are proud to be part of a community that understands that 'no one is free until everybody is free'. Over the past half-term, we have been diligently planning our ‘Educate, Empower, Excel’ day and our chosen theme of the day ‘Against Asian Hate’ was an intentional response to problems identified. 

Students were given the opportunity to discuss the vicious cycle of racism and oppression. We facilitated some challenging conversations and we witnessed firsthand students beginning to reckon with some of the prejudices and stereotypes they held about others - and even themselves.  The highlight of the day was giving the platform to Asian members of our school community who proudly shared their heritage, their culture and their stories. I was particularly moved when one of my students, a girl who I started teaching when she was just 12 years of age, spoke about her own experiences. Now almost 18, she powerfully enlightened pupils and students alike about her own experience of being Asian in our school. 

Here is a snippet of her speech below:

“The reason I became a prefect was to try and solve these issues. I have always had a drive to stand up for racial injustice. Because of the lack of representation in my year group, I chose to stand up. And it’s the same for you; someone needs you too. Regardless of whether you are a prefect or not, it does not limit how much you can do around you. Racial injustice can be stopped. You don’t need to be doing what I’m doing right now, standing in front of every single year group today, speaking about racial injustice. You can just whisper to your friend, “that’s not right” when you hear them use a racial slur. You can tell a teacher. Not all actions have to be major, minor actions matter too.”

She’s always been a star but during this day, she shone more brightly than ever.