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Headteacher's Welcome
LBTS is a multi-cultural, mixed comprehensive school, with around 620 students, as well as a 6th form of around 240 students. We aim to work in partnership with students, parents, staff and the community to provide opportunities for all.
At Lilian Baylis School our motto is “Educate, Empower, Excel”. This encapsulates all that we do in ensuring we enhance the life chances of our students.
We recognise it is crucial that your child gets the best education possible, in order to
become a lifelong learner who can not only be successful during their GCSEs and Level 2 BTECs, but also A Levels and Level 3 BTECs in our large and very popular 6th form.
However, we do not just enable students to excel in their academic life, but also in their
personal life. We have a great subject called LBTS5 which teaches students about how to make informed choices, safeguard themselves and get support for any mental health
To ensure our school fully meets the needs of the children, students are very much
involved as stakeholders in their own education. Our students work with teaching staff as “Curriculum Consultants” so as to advise on what is taught, ensuring students are able to master their subjects, as well as how it is taught, so that it helps students to maximise their learning.
We are also a school that is committed to equality and fighting racism, sexism and all other forms of discrimination- this underpins everything we do at LBTS.
Our school is a community and we all work together to be advocates and campaigners for equality, constantly evaluating our curriculum, policies and the way in which we all treat each other, so that we can achieve this.
Karen Chamberlain