In this section...

Vision & Mission


1. Be kind to others and yourself 

  • To create equitable spaces that support the development of all our students into healthy, confident and caring adults.

“The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.” Amelia Earhart

2. Be your best 

  • To unlock the potential in all students so they can achieve in all aspects of life.  

"There is no magic to achievement. It is really about hard work, choices and persistence." Michelle Obama 

3. Take care of our community 

  • To ensure that all students make a positive contribution, helping to build a sustainable future for all.

"Let’s make our future now and let us make our dreams tomorrow's reality." Malala Yousafzai


Our mission at LBTS is to EMPOWER and EDUCATE students to enable them to EXCEL as young citizens who practise the core values of the school. As part of this vision, we are committed to constantly evaluating what we do, in order to develop, deliver and embed:

  1. A world-class KNOWLEDGE BASED CURRICULUM that is inclusive of diverse experiences and histories and empowers our students to BE THEIR BEST

  2. CONSISTENTLY EXCELLENT TEACHING, based on research-led approaches that focus on students to BE THEIR BEST and shows measurable impact, particularly for priority groups

  3. HAPPINESS and BELONGING, formed from a strong focus on promoting wellbeing, self-confidence and healthy choices to educate students in how they can be KIND TO THEMSELVES AND OTHERS

  4. Ensuring students are KIND TO THEMSELVES AND OTHERS, by creating opportunities for students to better understand and tackle discrimination, empowering them to be upstanders and champions of  SOCIAL JUSTICE

  5. TAKING CARE OF OUR COMMUNITY, including becoming the FIRST CHOICE SCHOOL for local families, as well as playing an active role as citizens in making positive contributions 





Students are able to BE THEIR BEST through a research-driven KNOWLEDGE BASED CURRICULUM that is

  • Planned to accelerate progress for priority groups (BCRB, BOYS, HPA, SEN)

  • Focused on empowering Curriculum Leads to embed excellence from both curriculum research, as well as best practice within school, to further enhance provision in deepening knowledge and understanding

  • Better sequenced from the starting points of our students leaving KS2, via closer work with Curriculum Leads across the Wyvern Federation 

  • Better aligned across STEM subjects in curriculum and pedagogical approach, including developing a STEM pathway that enables student aspirations within STEM

  • Better aligned across English, Literacy & Humanities for Academic Literacy, in both curriculum and pedagogical approach, to promote high standards of Academic Literacy, resulting in excellent outcomes and progression for students in these curriculum areas

  • Quality assured at Key Stage 3 through benchmarked assessment practices and adaptive teaching, lead by the AAHT: Curriculum Impact and Subject Leads

  • Broad and balanced in the new SEN Resource Base, taking into account both student needs, the national curriculum and high expectations for progression

  • Authentically anti oppressive, looking at the intersectionality of race, gender, religion (especially, Islamophobia), LGBTQ+ and ableism



Students are able to BE THEIR BEST through CONSISTENTLY EXCELLENT TEACHING and targeted intervention, via 

  • Implementation of the Teaching & learning Policy, with a distinct focus on Active Ingredients and Teacher Toolkit Strategies across ALL classes and subjects

  • Further development of student voice work to improve the quality of teaching, including more explicit impact of Curriculum Consultants and a Student T & L team

  • Embed Adaptive Teaching strategies, as part of the Graduated approach, to meet the diverse needs of students with additional needs.

  • Implement a new Relationships and Communication Policy (The LBTS Way) that uses deliberate classroom practice and staff role modelling, to maintain high expectations for student behaviour, as well as creating a culture of belonging for the whole school community

  • Regular and rigorous data analysis to identify Priority Students and evaluate GRADUATED APPROACH strategies.

  • Embed high expectations of students’ learning and progress in lessons that students are proud of, as demonstrated by high standards of work in student books

  • Joint learning walks by the SENDCo and team leaders in all subjects in order to quality assure and develop provision for all students with additional needs.



Students and staff are KIND TO OTHERS AND THEMSELVES, developing CONFIDENT and HAPPY people that feel a sense of BELONGING and are  well equipped for their future lives, as shown by . 

  • A transition programme for SEND students within WYVERN federation (and beyond) that better prepares them for the demands of Year 7

  • New Values launch driven by all (staff and students) that embeds our values throughout classroom practice, drop down days, assemblies and the RSHE curriculum

  • Relentless focus on priority students at all levels  to “close the gaps”, including via a new SL: CTG post

  • An extensive therapeutic offer that includes  SALT, OT and EP  in order to better identify and meet growing SEN needs

  • Improved capacity and expertise within the learning support team to support students with a diverse range of learning needs, including through new initiatives such as City Year 

  • Develop leadership opportunities in each year group that embed the new LBTS Values and deepen the sense of connected belonging for students at LBTS

  • Further develop and embed individual and whole school rewards for all students via the work of ACs, which drives an ethos of positivity and achievement across all year groups

  • Embed excellent communication procedures between all stakeholders (Teachers, Pastoral Officers, SEN, BSU & families) to support the best welfare provision for every child

  • Relentless in our high expectations for attendance, ensuring students are in lessons, on time and able to achieve



Students and staff  are  KIND TO OTHERS AND THEMSELVES by becoming upstanders for SOCIAL JUSTICE, relentless in working towards our world becoming the place we all deserve to live in by:

  • Working alongside Class 13, gradually incorporating their values into the work we currently do and  managing the transition ensuring staff feel supported yet empowered to take the next step in our equity work

  • Create an Anti Oppression Charter which all staff and students sign up and  pledge to uphold

  • Working towards the 6 standards of the Rainbow Flag Award (Curriculum, Teachers, Pastoral, Students & Policy) to ensure we are an inclusive school for the LGBT+ community as part of our equity work

  • Continued work with FLAIR to assess the impact of our anti-racism work and use data to inform next steps in our equity work 

  • Establishing a rotating staff group of LBTS Allies to work on WS strategies for each of the protected characteristics 

  • Developing a more systematic way to track and respond to incidents of discrimination

  • Develop the progress of all students through the creation of an augmented work pack at strategic points in the year that develops and supports the the taught curriculum and increases the learning of all 

  • Identifying & tackling discriminatory bias, including via an analysis of behaviour and achievement data, termly CPD and staff Appraisal 

  • Equipping our students with greater knowledge for empowerment, via an ANTI RACISM / ANTI SEXISM EDUCATION / ISLAMOPHOBIA / ANTI HOMOPHOBIA / ANTI ABLEISM  programme, that is mapped through the Life Lessons curriculum, TFTW,  EEE days and Student Council campaigns



Students and staff are TAKING CARE OF OUR COMMUNITY  to ensure the SUSTAINED FUTURE SUCCESS of the school, so we are able to fulfil these promises to our students and their families. 

  • Embedding practices to support and develop  Leadership of all Teams, including highly effective monitoring and intervention to achieve a consistent quality of success across the school

  • Create a comprehensive whole school plan that oversees and incorporates the expertise of all stakeholders to ensure that all Year 11 students achieve their required progress (#OPERATION ALBATROSS) 

  • Growing our T Level provision into year 2, including sourcing and facilitating quality work placements that support students to further progress, both in the qualification and their future career

  • Being the first choice for local families for year 7, particularly of our Federation Primary School families, by closer liaison in years 4, 5 & 6 for cross phase projects and Federation community events

  • Being the first choice  for year 11 students applying for 6th form -  gain access to a wider net of potential future students and their families

  • Developing connections and effectively utilising resources across the Wyvern Federation schools to strengthen the provision for all our students 

  • Continuous development for the SEN Resource Base through year 1, including ongoing evaluation, adaptation and implementation of the most effective practices for the students we serve

  • Embedding a culture of Wellbeing that empowers staff to feel supported, valued and have the capacity for success in their roles

  • Planning and preparation for the successful completion of the PFI contract, including ensuring completion of all works and financial protection