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Careers Programme Information


All students in years 7-13 are entitled:

  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme, which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;

  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies, group discussions and taster events;

  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.


Careers Education is an integral part of Personal, Social and Health Education (taught during “Life Lessons” and Drop Down Days), as well as tutor periods. Lilian Baylis Technology School has its own dedicated Careers Advisor and provides careers education and opportunities for all students. The programme includes:

  • Y7: All Year 7 students have the opportunity to do library duty for a day and become student ambassadors, where they help visitors to the school. There are also a number of assemblies and workshops from Into University which help students to start thinking about their future including what qualifications are needed for which careers, the importance of EBacc subjects (English, Maths, Science, Computer Science, Languages, History and Geography) and thinking about university and apprenticeships. All of year 7 visit the Oval Cricket Ground to learn about how it works as a Sports Club, a Business and an Employer in the local community

  • Y8: Year 8 similarly has the opportunity to find out more about the path to University through our work with Into University. Year 8 also work as student ambassadors for the school during our Open Day and Open Evening events for future year 7 students.

  • Y9: Students are supported in choosing their option subjects so they complement any career they might choose to follow in the future. There is a careers conference for all students with an emphasis placed on EBacc and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects. Year 9 students are also invited to WCIT lunches to meet and network with professionals in Computer Science and Technology.

  • Y10: Students work with Future Frontiers and other work experience providers to enable them to take part in careers talks, mentoring and visiting workplaces. Year 10 students have the opportunity to apply to become, where they take part in a “job” application process and interview. 

  • Y11: To help students decide what they are planning on doing post-16 each student has an individual interview with our independent careers advisor, Ilham Ahmed. In order to progress to the next stage of their education they need to do well in their GCSE exams and there are a number of revision events and study skills conferences planned. LBTS also arranges a “taster day” of A Level, BTEC Level 3 and T Level subjects, as well as a Careers Fair featuring local 6th forms, employers, apprenticeship providers and universities. Year 11 students take part in additional work experience after GCSE exams are finished.

  • Y12/13: Students give back to the school with a number of initiatives such as reading champions and mentoring of Year 7, 9 and 11 students. Year 12/13 are supported in applying for apprenticeships, places at a 6th form and university as well as visiting local colleges, universities and workplaces. Year 12/13 visit external careers fairs and the annual UCAS fair. In addition, all Y12 and Y13 can have a work based mentor in a career they wish to follow. Year 12 also take part in work experience in the last 2 weeks of the summer term.

  • All years: 

    • Half termly careers stall outside the canteen where students can come for advice and information.

    • National Apprenticeship week events where there are a number of extra assemblies, projects, visits and talks from Apprenticeship providers

    • Assemblies and talks throughout the year from employers and inspirational individuals, in order to raise aspirations


Work experience is compulsory for all students in Year 11 and in Y12 or Y13. The programme is arranged in partnership with leading employers and involves placements in a variety of workplaces throughout Lambeth and the City of London.


The school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme in a number of ways:

  • Retention on courses and apprenticeships at KS4 and KS5 and when students leave at 18.

  • University and apprenticeship destinations.

  • Evaluation of each careers initiative.

  • Self review against the Gatsby benchmarks.


Employers, teachers, parents and students can contact Ilham Ahmed who is our impartial Careers Adviser and can be contacted by the following:

 0207 091 9500



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