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Lilian Baylis Technology School prides itself in offering students a large number of opportunities to develop leadership opportunities.




LBTS Student Councillors 


2 students per year group 

Students discuss issues affecting themselves and their peers in the school. They also review the schools commitment to anti racism and anti sexism through scrutiny of:


Students will also be able to participate in shaping our social advocacy agenda, as well as being trained in leading on peer to peer restorative justice meetings 

LBTS  Student Ambassadors 


2 students per form 

Students will represent their form and ensure that their year needs are met. They will be able to decide what books they will read at tutor time. The Ambassadors will also make sure that their tutor group represent their year through the 5 values and will feedback directly to their AC and AHT C&C



1 per TG Y7-11 Ambassadors 


Y12 for Captains

Captains organise, promote and lead House events


Yearly rotation of students

Curriculum Consultants

5-8 students per subject from Y7 - 13

Curriculum consultants meet subject teams once each half term to review the curriculum and teaching within that subject. 

They also bring their subject books to TL / SMT once a half term, for a joint booklook.


Termly rotation for students

Headteacher for a Day

1 student 1 day per week in weeks 2-5 each half term

1 student is “headteacher for a day” each week, where they work with Ms Chamberlain on key school issues, visit lessons and attend meetings. 


Weekly rotation of students WHO APPLY

Prefects & PRESIDENT



40 from KS4

Leadership for Y10 & 11 Students who report to AHT C&C.


President and Vice President:

- Training on Leadership and Empowerment once every half term 

- To conduct weekly duties to help the school function 



- Education, Justice and Culture representatives who work closely with the President/Vice President and advocates for all students on key issues 

The Guiders (Gs)

Y12 - 13

10 from each year group

Y 12 & 13 students who will mentor Yr 11 and Yr 9 students twice a half term  


Autumn 1: Guiders will have mentoring training 

Autumn 2 - Summer 2: Mentoring sessions between Guiders and mentees will take place 

LBTS6 Student Executives

Y12 - 13


10 from each year group

Yearly rotation of students

Autumn 1: Organise and facilitate a ‘Welcome To Year 12’ event.

Autumn 2 - Summer 1:  Arrange fundraising and team building  events for the school throughout the year. Support other students in LBTS6 through the student welfare programme. Help with recruitment events for Y11 students into Y12.